Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Bridge to Brownies

On May 24th the girls participated in a bridging ceremony signifying their transition to Brownies. The bridging ceremony takes place to celebrate the girls advancement in Girl Scouts and to acknowledge the work that they have completed as Daisy's. The girls started the ceremony by singing "Make New Friends" and carrying in the flag. After the pledge the girls were called one at time to walk across the bridge and say a part of the Girl Scout Law. The girls received their Brownie pins and sashes on the other side of the bridge.

The new Brownies then said the promise and made a friendship circle. The ceremony was attended by parents, siblings, and grandparents. The girls were very proud of themselves and are happy to move on to the next phase of Girl Scouts.

Shara Herfel announced that she will step down as leader but will be happy to stay on to help at meetings. Natalie Daniel will be the Brownie leader next year with the help of Jen Rehberger and Krys Crawford. We have great plans and are very excited!

Congratulations Troop 696!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Soon to be "Bridging"

The girls went into the woods at Tower park to practice their bridging ceremony.

We went on a scavenger hunt to find things like poison ivy, seed pods, vines and wildflowers. We, of course, did the poison ivy first so the girls would know what to watch out for.

We even got a little lost in the woods just for fun. HA (wink, wink). The girls had some free time to play, which they loved. The weather was beautiful, and it was a really fun and relaxing meeting.

See you at the Bridging Ceremony!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Over the Bridge...

At this last meeting, the girls practiced all the steps to the Bridging Ceremony. Some of it will be a surprise, but there will be singing, statements by each girl and a big congratulations as we become a Brownie Troop.

Stay tuned for more information...

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sister Party Cont'd

Thanks again Troop 533!

Sister Party Cont'd

Couple more coming...

Girl Scout Sister Party

One of the petals of the Daisy is "Be a sister to every Girl Scout." We were honored to be invited to a Girl Scout Sister Party for the Daisy Troops at Johnson by Troop 533.

Lots of singing, snacking, painting and playing went on. We were welcomed with name tags to personalize, introduced ourselves, and got right to some Boom Chicka Boom in a variety of "styles."

Each girl got their own photo frame to decorate, and before they left, a photo of all three Johnson Daisy Troops "appeared" in the frame for a take home gift (photo below).

The girls had a fabulous time. THANK YOU Troop 533!
More photos in the next post...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

The Final Photos

More Meeting Photos

And a couple more next...

Meeting on St. Patrick's Day

This meeting was another busy one. We decorated shamrock cookies, made green lemonade, played games and and learned about Ogham (ohm) message sticks in celebration of St. Patrick's Day. Irish people spoke a Celtic language called Ogham. It was made up of dots and lines. I made up (i.e. copied from a book) a secret code for our daisy troop using symbols to represent letters of the alphabet. Each girl was given the code-breaker sheet and had to find her name written on a wooden craft stick in "secret girl scout code" at her table setting.

Natalie brought a St. Patrick's day relay race games which required the girls to crab walk, bear walk, backwards walk and hop on one foot to win. It was fun to watch the girls.

We also made Jordan another Daisy shirt because of a defect in the shirt. Finally, we talked about bridging, the Sister Girl Scout Party, and I read a thank you from Ronald McDonald House to our troop.

More photos in the next posts...

Monday, March 15, 2010

WOW! Pop Tops!

Our local Ronald McDonald House couldn't believe the immense amount of pop tops donated from Troop 696! This photo is the cart of tabs from our troop placed next to the "house" of tabs they had. The staff was thrilled and are anxious to take the girls on a tour.


The girls of Troop 696 went to Build-a-Bear! This was what they chose to do as a reward for cookie sales and was paid for by their cookie funds. They each built a bear and received a girl scout bear tunic with fun patches for the Girl Scout and their bear. Too cute! They also got an Easter basket and candy (just a timely bonus).

Sunday, March 7, 2010

More Shelter Photos...

The girls had a nice visit to the shelter. They were all very well behaved, had great questions and listened well.

Animal Shelter Field Trip

We had a great visit to the Campbell County Animal Shelter. Lots of fun photos to share...

More coming...

World Thinking Day

World Thinking Day is February 22. It is a day that Girl Scouts celebrate international friendships. It is also a reminder that we are part of a global organization including 150 other countries. Girl Scouts highlight different countries every year. This year Haiti was one of the countries. The 2010 theme is "together we can end extreme poverty and hunger."

At our meeting, we spent circle time talking about what is was like to be hungry. I asked the girls if anyone had gone an entire day without eating when they weren't sick. We talked about being grateful for the comforts we enjoy. Each girl made a doll with a letter on the front. When finished, the dolls spelled T-H-I-N-K-I-N-G D-A-Y. This worked perfectly...11 letters and 11 girls. They were supposed to step up and say a part with their doll during an ending ceremony but we ran out of time and were just able to finish the dolls.

Stay tuned for our upcoming field trip new to the Campbell County Animal Shelter.