Sunday, January 24, 2010

Pop Tabs. Lots of them!

Wow! Troop 696 sure has "pulled" together (get it, pulled...) for The Ronald McDonald House.

Yes, those are garbage bags FULL of tabs.

The Daisy Circle

These photos are of all the girls singing "Make New Friends" and in the Daisy Circle.

Make new friends,
but keep the old.
One is silver,
and the other gold.

A circle is round,
it has no end.
That's how long
I want to be your friend.

In addition, we were proud to receive a Certificate of Appreciation from NCOA National Defense Foundation for our participation in the 2009 America's Children for America's Heroes Program. Each girl designed a card that was sent to hospitalized veterans to let them know their service will not be forgotten.

Daisy Garden T-Shirts

At our most recent meeting, the highlight was the Daisy Garden T-Shirt project. Each daisy in the garden was made by each of the girls. Basically, we had a Daisy rotation, painting each others shirts. It was a great project to emphasize the Girl Scout Sisterhood, and we got to get messy!

Thursday, January 7, 2010

More Photos...

Here are some more photos of our trip to Dairy Queen (see previous post).

Field Trip!

Who doesn't love an ice cream cone on a cold winter day? We even got to make our own! And with sprinkles!

Check out these photos of our behind the scenes tour at the Wilder Dairy Queen. Don't forget that kids can eat free on Tuesday with another purchase...